XP Basics
Getting Started
- Introduction
- Windows overview
- The desktop
- The start menu
- The taskbar
- The recycle bin
- The help system
- Creating user accounts
- Log off/switch users
- Standby/shutdown
Files & folders
- My computer
- Windows explorer
- Folder views
- Folder options
- Creating files/folders
- Copying/moving files
- Creating shortcuts
- Search companion
Working with programs
- Using programs
- Adding/removing programs
- Windows components
- Task manager
- Working with hardware
- Modifying mouse/keyboard
- Working with scanners
- Working with printers
- Working with digital cameras
Internet & networking
- Creating connections
- Local area networks
- Ftp connections
- Window messenger
- Internet explorer
- Outlook express
Working with digital files
- Get media player 9
- Using media player 9
- Rip music from a cd
- Burn music to a cd
- Customizing media player 9
- Working with digital images
Customizing windows
- Change color/resolution
- Working with themes
- Using screen savers
- Changing appearance
- Changing desktop
- Customize the taskbar
- Windows maintenance
- Windows update
- Disk cleanup
- Disk defragmenter